Management of the Olympic town of
Administration of the Ashgabat city

About the olympic city

About the olympic city

The unique facility, which has no analogues in the Central Asian region, has became the venue for the Asian Indoor games, it includes more than 30 facilities for various purposes including the Olympic stadium, the paralympic complex and the rehabilitation medical center. The initiator of the construction is the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. It hosted the opening and closing ceremonies of the games, all competitions, as well as the awards ceremony
Sport complexes

Sport complexes

Facility Ashgabat «Olympic» Stadium Bike track sport complex Martial Arts sports complex Athletics complex Big training halls Tennis complex Olympic water complex Multidisciplinary outdoor sports grounds Small training halls Complex of sport games
Capacity 45000 6000 5000 5000 3000 4000 5000 2500 2152 15000


«Olympiya» hotel capacity 450

Presidential suite - 1; standart single rooms - 136; Standard double rooms - 36; suites - 45; apartaments- 5; disable rooms - 2; 5 conference hall - 114; 2 restaurants - 256; bar -58; lounge bar - 71; bakery - 45; SPA complex

Hotel “Sport” capacity 800

Presidential suites - 2; standart single rooms - 228; Standard double rooms - 108; suites- 48; apartaments - 64; disable rooms - 8; conference hall - 700; 4 restaurants - 1030; 2 cafes - 178; SPA complex



Monorail length - 5 138 метров

Heigth 6 meters to 13 ; 8 stations; capacity of one train is 70 person; speed 46km/h (maximum speed is 70 km/h);

Medical and recreation center

MR-angiography; ultrasonic investigation; ECG; reflexelogy; vacuum therapy; galvanotherapy; physoitherapy; electrotherapy; dopplerography. labaratory; gymnastic hall; 8 chambers; 1 massage room; 1 pool ; 1 cafe.



In the Olympic town, which has turned into a pearl of the white marble Ashgabat city, there are all opportunities for holding international-level competitions in the complex of game sports, the town serves our people in such sports as volleyball, handball, rhythmic gymnastics, badminton, fencing, table tennis and trampoline. In addition, the facility has one hammam and one sauna, one massage room, a dining room for 48 seats, 8 cafes for 458 seats, 4 buffets, comfortable conditions have been created for guests and citizens attending competitions.


The facility serves citizens with special equipment for such sports as rhythmic gymnastics, acrobatic gymnastics, badminton and trampoline, basketball, fencing, table tennis, handball and volleyball. The facility has a cafe, sauna, sauna and massage rooms, showers and other facilities for people with disabilities and other important services.


The Martial Arts Sports Complex of the Olympic Town is a huge sports complex. In this complex there is an opportunity to hold competitions in such sports as boxing, taekwondo, judo, sambo, wrestling, including Turkmen national wrestling, which, thanks to the tireless efforts of the President, was included in the Program of the Asian Games-2017, and there is also the possibility of holding weightlifting competitions of international and world level. In this sports facility, one hamam and a sauna are provided, taking into account the peculiarities of martial arts sports that are performed with active movements.


The facility is designed for boxing and weightlifting, wrestling, showers, and other social facilities are provided for athletes of sports federations of our country, as well as for citizens with disabilities.


The facility has all the modern conditions for holding international and continental competitions and cycling world championships. There are four hamams, four saunas, fifty shower cabins and two massage rooms in the facility for cycling, which requires active movement from athletes. In addition, the building has a restaurant, cafe, sauna, massage room and other necessary social services.


The tennis and sports complex of the Olympic Town consists of indoor and outdoor tennis courts. The facility has all modern facilities for holding international and continental tennis tournaments and world championships. In addition, this modern sports facility has all the amenities for other necessary services and auxiliary systems for cultural and social purposes. Currently, the tennis sports complex serves children and other citizens interested in playing table tennis.


The Water Sports Center of the Ashgabat Olympic Town is recognized as the largest indoor swimming pool in the world, made of environmentally friendly materials and built on the basis of modern technologies in accordance with the high requirements of international standards and listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The water sports complex consists of 4 indoor and 2 outdoor pools. The facility has all the conditions for organizing and holding international and world aquatics competitions at a high level. The facility has a restaurant, a cafe, two hamams, two saunas, which are always at the service of coaches and athletes. The facility also has a sports therapy room, two sports and wellness halls and three first aid stations. The sports water complex of the Olympic town provides all modern conditions for organizing and holding not only sports competitions with the participation of ordinary athletes, but also Paralympic competitions with the participation of athletes with disabilities.


The facility has all the modern conditions for holding international and continental competitions and world championships in athletics, pole vault, long jump, three–step jump, high jump, as well as shot put and wisdom games - chess, as well as bowling. In addition, the facility is equipped with a wellness room, a hammam, a sauna, a massage room, a buffet, a cafeteria, an assembly hall, work rooms, a bowling hall for 500 seats, a chess training room, a conference room.


Along with indoor sports facilities, open sports grounds for various sports have been created in the Olympic Town. Among them, athletes have eight sports grounds for such sports as tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, mainly for training and games, and one main playground. In general, all modern conditions have been created for training and holding various kinds of outdoor competitions.


Olympic Stadium. One of the main buildings of the Olympic Town is a stadium with 45,000 seats. The artistic image of the Ahal-Teke horse adorning the podium of the Olympic Stadium has been recognized as the world's largest horse symbol and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The stadium area is the largest sports facility in the region. The Olympic Stadium has all modern facilities for organizing and holding international and world championships in football, in the types of athleticism. In addition, major sports festivals and cultural events of the state level are held at the stadium.


This center has all types of medical supervision. The wellness center is equipped with modern medical equipment, especially equipment for sports medicine. All athletes of Turkmenistan can undergo a medical examination, and there is also an opportunity to use medical services by residents of the city of Ashgabat. During international competitions, athletes have all the conditions for conducting doping tests.


6 (six) have been built as hotels for athletes structures. In total, there are 1,628 rooms in hotels built for tourists, which can accommodate 3,274 people. The hotel complex also offers 4 cafes for 33 seats and 1 cafe for 82 seats, 6 multifunctional halls, conference halls for 47 seats, sports rehabilitation rooms, massage rooms, sauna services for athletes.


Among the beautiful buildings of the Olympic town is "Sport" Hotel. The hotel has 4 restaurants with 1030 seats and a cafe with 74 seats. Also in the building, athletes are offered a gym, a spa center (mineral water treatment) with a swimming pool, 3 massage rooms, 2 saunas, 2 steam rooms, 1 hammam.


Among the built objects of the Olympic Town at the intersection of S.Turkmenbashi Avenue and "10 yyl Abadanchylyk" street in Ashgabat, the “Olympic” Hotel was built, intended for honorary guests. This hotel consists of 2 basement and 2 suspended floors and 10 ground floors. The hotel has 225 rooms with 450 beds, including 2-bed 1 Presidential Apartment and 2 rooms for people with disabilities. Also in the basement there are 2 hammam, steam room, sauna, shock shower. It consists of 4 massage rooms, 1 swimming pool, 1 Jacuzzi, 1 outdoor pool and gym, as well as a SPA on the ground floor, hydro massage, shock shower and massage rooms. Also on the 1st floor there is a VIP lounge with 32 seats, a restaurant with 180 seats, 2 shops and 1 hairdresser.


Since the Ashgabat Olympic Town is the only complex of modern sports facilities in the region, a monorail has been built here, the only one not only in the capital, but also for the transport system of the whole country. This road is notable for the fact that it is built at a certain height, and monorail cars also travel freely without hindrance to the main vehicle. The length of the monorail is 5000 meters. It should be noted that monorail services for residents of our country, schoolchildren of the country and foreign guests in viewing high-rise buildings, structures, decoration, beauty of the Olympic town.


On the instructions of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, The National Leader of the Turkmen nation, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, great work was done in our country on physical education and health movement, development of high-level athletes and preparation for major international competitions. The city of Ashgabat fully meets international standards, has no equal in the entire region and is a clear symbol of the State policy to provide the people with a happy and stable life. The Olympic Village, with its unique beauty and uncommon unity with other sports and physical education facilities, has become a special decoration of our marble city. In December 2017, Management of the Olympic town of Administration of the Ashgabat city was established.


The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan got acquainted with new construction projects

On June 28, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty, Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip around the capital, familiarized himself with the projects and drawings of the locations of the healthcare facilities under construction here.

Currently, the Arkadag Hero keeps under constant control issues related to the construction of buildings for various purposes in the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag, in the regions of the country, including modern facilities related to the healthcare system, as well as the types of building materials used in this process. Important importance is also attached to the level of equipment of buildings in the specialized sphere.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people has arrived at the construction site, where the construction of an International rehabilitation center continues. Relevant work is being carried out here within the framework of fulfilling the tasks arising from the State Program "Saglyk", developed by doctor Arkadag and successfully implemented at the present time under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan.

Then the Hero-Arkadag had a conversation with the chairman of the Board of the company "Rönesans Holding" Erman Ylyjak, who is actively involved in the implementation of the urban development program in our country. The head of a large company expressed gratitude to Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the opportunity to exchange views on the work being done and on the conditions for establishing effective activities of foreign companies in Turkmenistan, following the path of harmonious development in all directions. He also stressed that it is a great honor for him to participate in the construction of large facilities in Turkmenistan, which is his homeland.

The Chairman of the Board of the Turkish company "Rönesans Holding", which has been cooperating with our country for many years, reported on the implementation of construction projects and drawings related to the decoration of buildings entrusted to his company.

After having familiarized himself with the projects, Arkadag made appropriate adjustments. As it was emphasized, the construction of buildings should combine national architectural traditions and modern best practices. Noting that an important requirement of the urban development program is to ensure high quality and compliance with the deadlines for the construction of social buildings, as well as equipping health facilities in accordance with international standards, Hero-Arkadag wished success in his work to the head of the company.

In the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, large-scale reforms initiated by the Hero Arkadag are successfully continuing in all spheres of the country's life. The issues of strengthening human health, the construction of modern medical institutions in white marble Ashgabat, and their equipment at the level of the latest scientific achievements remain in the center of constant attention of the state.

Then the Hero-Arkadag got acquainted with the projects and drawings of buildings and structures in the field of healthcare, landscaping of adjacent territories, with the peculiarities of their design and equipment.

Here, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers N.Amannepesov reported on the progress of construction in the capital of the International Scientific and Clinical Center of Physiology for 250 places, the International Rehabilitation Center for 400 places, the International Scientific and Clinical Center of Oncology for 500 places. Detailed information was also provided on the pace of construction of the Dental Center, the International Pediatric Center for 160 places, the master plan of health care facilities, drawings of the locations of facilities and equipment of these medical institutions, the features of the design of the premises.

As noted, at present, under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan, great successes are being achieved in all spheres of the country's life, including in healthcare. This indicates the effectiveness of the large-scale reforms carried out by the efforts of Doctor Arkadag, and the positive results of the medical services provided to the population that meet international standards.

Among the projects presented here are international–level cancer centers in Mary Velayat with 200 seats, in Balkan and Lebap Velayats with 150 seats each, a 400-seat Maternal and Child Health Center in Dashoguz Velayat, a 600-seat Medical Advisory Center named after S.A.Niyazov and a 400-seat Maternal and Child Health Center M.Garryev State Medical University of Turkmenistan, in Ashgabat – I.Gandhi Secondary Medical Professional School for 1000 places.

In addition, the Arkadag Hero was informed about the financing of the construction of international-level cancer centers in the Balkan and Lebap velayats by such reputable financial structures of the world as the Islamic Development Bank, as well as the Saudi Development Fund – the corresponding center in Mary Velayat. This clearly testifies to the high authority of Turkmenistan in the world, recognition of it as a responsible partner with a powerful economic potential.

As noted, the reforms carried out in this area were provided for in the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028. And their successful implementation is identified among the most important tasks of our time.

During the acquaintance with the draft designs and drawings of medical institutions, Hero-Arkadag paid special attention to such issues as the use of modern experience in construction, innovative technologies, landscaping of adjacent territories, decorative features of objects.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people emphasized that the present time is an era of large-scale reforms and digital technologies. As in all structures of the healthcare system, advanced methods and modern technologies have also appeared in dentistry. Now, with the help of innovative technologies, including unique equipment, it is possible to determine how healthy a person's oral cavity and teeth are, and it is possible to outline the directions of their treatment.

Hero-Arkadag gave a number of instructions to the relevant managers regarding a responsible approach to establishing organizational and economic activities of healthcare institutions in accordance with established requirements, reviewing the number of doctors working in new centers, and improving their professional level.

The Deputy Prime Minister reported that the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care, based on humanitarian principles, is highly respected not only in the country, but also around the world. Since its inception, the Foundation has provided assistance in restoring the health of more than 400 children and humanitarian assistance to children affected by natural disasters in foreign countries.

Then, the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, as a sign of deep appreciation for the valuable advice from an experienced doctor, as well as on the occasion of the first anniversary of the opening of the city of Arkadag, on behalf of doctors and healthcare workers, presented the Arkadag Hero with a carpet "Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care."

The symbol of the Foundation is placed in the center of the exquisite carpet. The harmonious combination of colors, white fringe embody bright dreams, unity, happiness.

Arkadag emphasized that it is necessary to involve experienced doctors as consultants in the construction of social facilities being built in different parts of the country, and especially in construction work and equipping those being built in the capital, establishing work in the centers of the health system, giving a number of instructions in this direction.

The Arkadag hero wished everyone success in their work and left the scene of the event.

Georgia defeated Portugal and for the first time in its history reached the playoffs of the European Football Championship

At Euro 2024 football in Germany, the Georgian national team created a sensation by defeating the Portuguese team with a score of 2:0 in the final match of the group stage. The game was held in Gelsenkirchen.

The Georgian team opened the scoring in the 2nd minute thanks to a goal from Khvicha Kvaratskhelia, and in the second half Georges Mikautadze converted a penalty, strengthening his team’s advantage.

Despite the participation of Cristiano Ronaldo, who set a record for the most appearances in major tournaments among European players (50), the Portuguese were unable to distinguish themselves. This is the first group stage of a major tournament in which Ronaldo has failed to score, ending his impressive streak dating back to 2004.

In the parallel match of Group F, Türkiye defeated the Czech Republic with a score of 2:1. It is worth noting that the Czechs spent most of the game in the minority due to the removal of Antonin Barak.

At the end of the group stage, Portugal and Türkiye scored six points each, finishing first and second respectively. Georgia, having scored four points, entered the playoffs of the European Championship for the first time in its history, getting there as one of the best teams that took third place in the groups.

In the 1/8 finals, Portugal will meet Slovenia, Turkey will play Austria, and Georgia will face off against Spain.

The European Football Championship will end on July 14.

The draw for the third round of selection for the 2026 World Cup was held in Asia

The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) held the draw for the third round of the 2026 World Cup qualifying tournament for its continent in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia).

The 18 national teams are divided into three groups of six teams. They will play in two rounds, and the top two teams from each group will directly qualify for the 2026 World Cup.

The teams that took the third and fourth places in the groups will continue to fight in the fourth round. They will be divided into two groups of three participants. The winners of these groups will also receive direct tickets to the 2026 World Cup.

The teams that finished second in the groups of the fourth round will play in the fifth round. The winner of this round will represent Asia in the intercontinental playoffs. There will also be two participants from CONCACAF and one each from Africa, Oceania and South America. These six national teams will compete for the last two tickets to the 2026 World Cup.

The third round:

Group A: Iran, Qatar, Uzbekistan, UAE, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea

Group B: Republic of Korea, Iraq, Jordan, Oman, Palestine, Kuwait

Group C: Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, China, Indonesia

The matches will be held on September 5 and 10, October 10 and 15, November 14 and 19, March 20 and 25, June 5 and 10.

The first two rounds of the World Cup selection were combined with the selection for the Asian Cup 2027. The 18 teams that took first and second places in the groups in the second round automatically qualified for the Asian Cup.

The national team of Turkmenistan, which participated in the selection, took third place in group "E" of the second round of qualification.

We add that the teams eliminated in the first and second rounds of the World Cup selection will compete for the remaining tickets to the Asian Cup 2027 in a separate qualification.

Schedule of matches of the 1/8 finals of the European Football Championship 2024

All pairs of the 1/8 finals of Euro 2024 have become known. The matches will be held from June 29 to July 2 in various cities in Germany.

On June 29 there will be two matches: Germany vs Denmark in Dortmund and Switzerland vs Italy in Berlin.

On June 30, Georgia will face Spain in Cologne (start at 23:55 Ashgabat time), and England will meet Slovakia in Gelsenkirchen.

On July 1, the matches France - Belgium will be held in Dusseldorf and Portugal - Slovenia in Frankfurt am Main.

On July 2, the 1/8 finals of the games Romania - the Netherlands in Munich and Austria - Türkiye in Leipzig will conclude.

Potential quarter-final pairings have already been identified:

  • The winner of Georgia/Spain will play with the winner of Germany/Denmark
  • The winner of Portugal/Slovenia will meet the winner of France/Belgium
  • The winner of Romania/Netherlands will face the winner of Türkiye/Austria
  • The winner of England/Slovakia will play the winner of Switzerland/Italy

The quarter-finals are scheduled for July 5 and 6, the semi-finals for July 9 and 10. The final of the tournament will be held on July 14 at the Olympic stadium in Berlin.

Let us remind that the current European champion is the Italian team.
