Management of the Olympic town of
Administration of the Ashgabat city


To the people of independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan

Dear people!

Dear compatriots!

I cordially congratulate you on the holy Eid al-Adha for the entire Muslim world! May this wonderful holiday, symbolizing humanism, benevolence, and spiritual purity since ancient times, bring prosperity to the prosperous Motherland, native people, and increase our pride in a happy life in the era of the Rebirth of a new era of a powerful state!

Turkmens, committed to millennial noble principles, are one of the peoples who were able to bring beliefs, traditions, customs, views about the Universe, being, man, friendship, peace, benevolence, humanity, wealth to perfection. Great is the merit of our courageous ancestors, who possess the most remarkable character traits, in the formation of principles such as humanity, sincerity, mutual respect, especially in their efforts to turn Eid al-Adha into one of the sacred holidays calling for spiritual and moral purity, high humanity. This holiday is celebrated in the era of the Rebirth of a new era of a powerful state, when the authority of our independent country is increasing all over the world, and is celebrated in unity and cohesion.

In the year "The Storehouse of the Mind of Magtumguly Pragy", the celebration of Eid al-Adha for three days is held at the state level, at various venues, in the cultural and entertainment centers of the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag, in all settlements, where bright musical and song celebrations, social and cultural events are organized. Sachaks abounding in prepared festive dishes are widely spread in every family, sadaka-kurbanlyk is given and prayers are offered for the further prosperity of the independent Motherland, a happy and prosperous life of the people.

Guided by the motto "The Motherland is the Motherland only with the people! The state is a state only with the people!", we pay great attention to the health and spiritual perfection of every citizen of the country. We attach special importance to the development of our society in accordance with the high principles of humanity, based on spiritual and moral values. We are creating the necessary conditions for our compatriots to make pilgrimages to the shrines of the Muslim world and perform Hajj. In the year of the widespread celebration at the international level of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great thinker-poet Magtumguly Pragy, on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, a large group from Turkmenistan makes a pilgrimage to participate in the Hajj.

Dear compatriots!

The original, unique material and spiritual values of our people are a golden treasury that contributes to the formation and strengthening of friendly relations between East and West, North and South, the basis of our identity and respect for our nation in the world, our dignity for centuries. That is why, attaching great importance to our national principles and the experience accumulated over thousands of years, we are improving our society on the basis of high ideals of humanism, thanks to boundless love, unity, selfless work of the people, we achieve grandiose victories, multiply the glory of our native Homeland.

Having successfully implemented the adopted programs, reforms, and promising projects, we are confidently following the path of independence and neutrality.

Guided by our peaceful, benevolent and humane principles, as well as the wisdom of the great son of the Turkmen people, thinker Magtumguly Pragy: "A man sleeps or is awake, he will be deeply faithful to his plans," we are building bridges of friendship and brotherhood with the peoples of the world and countries. We are strengthening friendly relations with such reputable international organizations as the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, as well as the Pacific and Asian regions, countries of the Middle East, the Middle East, Europe and America. All this inspires the native people to reach new heights for the comprehensive development of an independent Homeland, strengthening the authority of our neutral state in the world.

Dear compatriots!

Dear people!

Once again, I cordially congratulate you on Eid al-Adha!

And may the festive sadaqah performed by you on the days of Eid al-Adha, the good prayers for the prosperity of our independent neutral Homeland, a happy and peaceful life of the people be accepted by Almighty Allah, Kabul bolsun!

I wish you good health, longevity, happiness and family well-being!

President of Turkmenistan