Management of the Olympic town of
Administration of the Ashgabat city


Members of the national team of Turkmenistan participating in the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games

Dear members of the national team of Turkmenistan!

Dear athletes!

I cordially congratulate you on your participation in the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games, which will be held from July 26 to August 11, 2024 in the city of Paris, French Republic!

I wish you to adequately represent independent neutral Turkmenistan at the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games and raise the sporting authority of our country in the world to a higher level!

Dear athletes!

As a result of the comprehensive state strategy laid down by Hero-Arkadag, the prestige of our Motherland is steadily growing in the international sports space. Holding various competitions in the country, including international ones, is one of the important directions of national policy in the field of sports. The Olympic Games and international competitions promote the implementation of the principles of peace, friendship and reconciliation through sports.

Turkmenistan has become a center for holding sports competitions at various levels. The systematic construction and commissioning of sports complexes, stadiums and other specialized facilities in all corners of the country contribute to the successful performance of our athletes at various tournaments and winning prizes.

Dear athletes!

As you know, the sphere of sports, which is developing in our country at the global level, is among the priorities of state policy. The Olympic village was built, decorating the beautiful capital - the city of Ashgabat, it has no analogues in the region and is equipped with modern equipment. All conditions have been created in the country for worthy performance of Turkmen athletes at world-class competitions, in honor of which the State Flag will be raised.

As a member of the International Olympic Committee, the Olympic Council of Asia, as well as the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee on Physical Culture and Sports, Turkmenistan makes a worthy contribution to the development of the Olympic movement in the region. This indicates the further development of sports diplomacy in the country.

Dear members of the national team of Turkmenistan!

Dear athletes!

In the era of the Renaissance of the new era of a powerful state, special importance is attached to the regular holding of mass bicycle rides, physical education, sports and cultural events. All this increases the prestige of our beloved Fatherland as a country of health and happiness.

During the period of development of the national sports movement, the responsibility for the formation of the sports prestige of Turkmenistan falls mainly on you. With your victories and high achievements in sports, you must demonstrate the results of the excellent conditions created at the state level for young athletes! I firmly believe that you will successfully perform at the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games, which will be held in the city of Paris of the French Republic, and will raise the National Flag of Turkmenistan high.

Dear members of the national team of Turkmenistan!

Dear athletes!

Once again, I sincerely wish you to adequately represent independent neutral Turkmenistan at the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games and achieve great success!

Let the National Flag of our independent neutral Motherland fly high over the international sports arena!

President of Turkmenistan

Serdar Berdimuhamedov.