Management of the Olympic town of
Administration of the Ashgabat city


The grand opening of the 2023 World Kurash Championship took place in Ashgabat

The opening ceremony of the 14th World Kurash Wrestling Championship took place today in Ashgabat. The venue was the Martial Arts Sports Complex, which is part of the infrastructure of the capital's Olympic city, TDH reports.

Numerous spectators gathered in the stands of the 5,000-seat arena, excitedly awaiting the start of the celebration marking the start of the competition.

The national flags of the countries participating in the World Cup were brought into the arena of the sports complex. They lined up. The official part of the opening of the tournament has begun.

In international relations, a welcoming address from the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov was read out. Then the World Kurash Championship was declared open. The head of the International Kurash Association (IKA), Haidar Farman, addressing the audience, the United States, is sincerely glad to see everyone in the beautiful capital of Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, at the opening of the World Kurash Championship.

Stressing that the Turkmen side has created the most favorable conditions for holding this tournament, including excellent sports facilities, Haidar Farman, on behalf of the IKA, expressed deep gratitude to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for their enormous support and significant contribution to the development of wrestling kurash

“At the end of the official part of the ceremony, the participants of the celebration were shown a video about the beauty of Turkmen nature, national values ​​and riches of Turkmenistan. Next, the audience was presented with a number of dance numbers dedicated to the national Turkmen wrestling, Turkmen carpets, and cultural heritage items. And of course, what would a holiday be without the fiery ancient magical dance kushtdepdi,” comments TDH.

The World Kurash Championship has started. Ahead of the fans are exciting fights in seven men's and eight women's weight categories.