Management of the Olympic town of
Administration of the Ashgabat city


Turkmen wrestlers won eight medals on the first day of the World Kurash Championship

Today, competitions in the program of the 14th World Kurash Wrestling Championship began at the Martial Arts Sports Complex of the capital's Olympic Village.

The holding of a planetary scale tournament in white marble Ashgabat is a clear indication of the close attention paid by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, as well as the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Hero-Arkadag, to the development of mass physical education and sports, which directly contributes to the steady increase in the authority of Turkmenistan in the international sports arena.

In recent years, the country has created ample opportunities for the development of the sports movement - modern sports and recreation complexes, multifunctional stadiums and other specialized facilities equipped with the necessary equipment have been built in all regions.

The emergence of an Olympic village with modern sports complexes in Ashgabat, which has no analogues in Central Asia, contributed to bringing Turkmen sports to a new, higher level. It was here that the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games were held with great success in 2017, opening a new bright page in the history of national sports.

The Amul-Khazar international rally held in 2018, as well as the World Weightlifting Championships, were of great importance for honing the skills of domestic athletes and establishing Turkmenistan as a major sports power.

Thus, by initiating and organizing significant events in the sporting life of the planet, Turkmenistan, as a full member of the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Council of Asia, makes a significant contribution to the expansion and popularization of the Olympic movement and the active involvement of young people in it.

In our country, kurash has developed rapidly after the formation of the National Federation of this type of martial arts in December 2014. After the admission of the Kurash Federation of Turkmenistan to the relevant International Association (IKA) and the Kurash Confederation of Asia and Oceania (KCAO), since 2015, Turkmen masters of this type of wrestling began to participate in the World Championships and other major international competitions, including the Asian Beach Games, Asian Games indoors and martial arts, World Martial Arts Games, Asian Championships.

Over the years, from all these competitions, our compatriots brought medals of various denominations to their homeland. Before the current world championship in Ashgabat, Turkmen athletes took part in four World Kurash Championships in Iran, Turkey, the Republic of Korea and India, where they stood on the podium 21 times, winning a total of 2 gold, 7 silver and 12 bronze medals.

Our wrestlers continued their winning traditions at the current World Championships, where 15 sets of medals are awarded in seven men's and eight women's weight categories. Today, champions and prize-winners were determined in the three heaviest weight categories for men and five for women. And in each of them, Turkmen masters of kurash were awarded medals.

At the end of the first day of competition, the Turkmen team won two gold, three silver and three bronze medals.

Dinara Rozykulova (weight category up to 63 kg) brought the first gold to the Turkmenistan team. On the way to this success, she won in the quarterfinals against Snehal Ramesh Kaware (India), caught a throw in the semifinals and won a clear victory over Tahereh Azarpeivand (Iran), and in the finals, in a bitter fight, she prevailed over Wang-Ting Lee (Chinese Taipei) , who was awarded a silver medal. The bronze medalists in this weight category were Iranian Tahereh Azarpeivand and Russian Vladlena Guseva, who competed under the flag of the International Kurash Association (IKA).

(up to 70 kg). Four years ago, this talented athlete became the Asian champion at competitions in Pune, India. And now she has added the title of world champion to this title, defeating Sina Sina (India) in the quarterfinals, Ly Huynh Tuon Vi (Vietnam) in the semifinals, and Donya Aghai (Iran) in the final, who became the silver medalist. Bronze medals in this weight category were awarded to Ly Huynh Tuon Vi (Vietnam) and Azhar Salykova (Kazakhstan).

Our team received silver awards: 2022 world vice-champion and 2019 world championship bronze medalist Aishirin Khaidarova, 2019 world champion and bronze medalist of the 19th Summer Asian Games in Hangzhou (China) Ainur Amanova and Sanzhar Abdyrakhmanov.

Aishirin Khaidarova achieved silver success in the up to 48 kg category, in which Ulbusin Khakimova (Uzbekistan) excelled, and Savira Dia Fitri Rizkianti (Indonesia) and Begumnaz Dogruyol (Turkey) won bronze medals.

Ainur Amanova rose to the second step of the podium in the weight up to 52 kg, in which Hilola Ortikboeva (Uzbekistan) became the world champion, and Nada Ashraf (Egypt) and Yu-Suan Chuan (Chinese Taipei) became the bronze medalists.

Sanzhar Abdyrakhmanov won a silver medal in the weight category up to 90 kg, in which Erkin Kozokov (Uzbekistan) won the highest award, and Masud Gavibazu (Iran) and Zhamalbek Asylbek Uulu (Kyrgyz Republic) won bronze medals.

Bronze medalists in the Turkmenistan team were Gulshat Annaeva, Ruslan Esgerov and Sapa Sapaev.

Gulshat Annayeva won bronze in the up to 57 kg category, in which Rauza Nurmakhammetova (Kazakhstan) also climbed to the third step of the podium, Pardis Eidivandi (Iran) to the second, and Nguyen Thi Bich Ngoc (Vietnam) to the first.

Ruslan Esgerov achieved bronze success in the weight category up to 100 kg, in which the second bronze medal was awarded to Firdavs Nasimov (Tajikistan), the silver medal to Hamed Rashidi (Iran), and the gold medal to Jamshid Mamatrakhimov (Uzbekistan).

In the super heavy weight category over 100 kg, the prize places were distributed as follows: first - Mukhsin Khisomiddinov (Uzbekistan), second - Abdulfazl Torabi (Iran) and third - Sapa Sapaev (Turkmenistan) and Khurshed Majidov (Tajikistan).

On November 28, the remaining 7 sets of medals will be played at the World Kurash Championship - four for men and three for women.