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The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting

On October 14, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahalliyev, who oversees the agro-industrial complex, and the hakims of the velayats. The agenda included issues of implementing the National Rural Program and the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the country.

The first to speak was the head of the administration of the Ahal velayat, S. Soltanmyradov, who reported on the state of affairs in the fields of the region.

As noted, necessary measures are currently being taken to increase the pace of cotton harvesting without losses, including the effective use of agricultural machinery, uninterrupted operation of reception points, and cotton processing enterprises.

In addition, wheat sowing continues in accordance with agrotechnical terms. Vegetative irrigation is carried out on the sown areas where uniform shoots have been obtained. Agricultural machinery and equipment are fully utilized.

Care is being taken for potato, vegetable, and other crop plantings, and the harvested crop is being collected.

In the livestock farms of the velayat, work is being carried out to arrange wintering places and prepare the necessary amount of feed for the winter period.

The hakim also reported on the state of construction of social and industrial facilities planned for commissioning this year as part of the National Rural Program.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of harvesting cotton without losses and sowing wheat according to agrotechnical terms, giving the hakim a number of specific instructions.

In addition, the head of state ordered to keep the construction of facilities planned for commissioning this year under control in accordance with the National Rural Program and ensure high-quality work.

Then the hakim of the Balkan velayat, H. Ashyrmyradov, reported on the state of affairs in the region.

As noted, efforts are currently being made to increase the pace of harvesting the grown cotton crop without losses, uninterrupted reception of raw materials, and their proper storage.

In addition, necessary measures are being taken to carry out wheat sowing at a high level and in agrotechnical terms, to fully utilize agricultural machinery and equipment, and to timely irrigate the sown areas.

In the velayat, the harvesting of potatoes, vegetables, and other agricultural crops continues.

In the livestock farms of the region, work is being carried out to prepare the necessary amount of feed and bring the wintering places for livestock into proper condition.

It was also reported on the pace of construction of various facilities planned for commissioning this year as part of the National Rural Program and the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country for 2022–2028.

After hearing the report, the head of state noted the importance of seasonal field campaigns, as well as the proper conduct of wheat sowing in the region and the harvesting of cotton without losses, giving the hakim a number of instructions.

In addition, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered to ensure high-quality construction of social and industrial facilities planned for commissioning this year as part of the National Rural Program.

Then the working meeting continued with the report of the hakim of the Dashoguz velayat, D. Babayev, on the progress of seasonal agricultural work.

As noted, necessary measures are being taken to harvest the grown cotton crop without losses. Special attention is paid to the full utilization of agricultural machinery.

In the velayat, wheat sowing continues, good shoots are appearing on the sown fields, and agricultural machinery and equipment are fully utilized.

It was also reported on the pace of construction of social, cultural, and industrial facilities planned for commissioning this year as part of the National Rural Program.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the requirement of the day is the organized and timely conduct of seasonal agricultural work, and in this regard, gave the hakim a number of instructions.

The head of state also instructed the hakim to keep the quality and timing of the construction of various facilities planned for opening this year under control as part of the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country.

Then the hakim of the Lebap velayat, M. Annanepesov, reported on the progress of work in the fields of the region.

As reported, guided by the tasks set by the President of the country to obtain rich harvests of agricultural crops, the cotton harvest continues without losses these days, and it is being delivered to the state granary. Necessary measures are being taken to ensure the uninterrupted operation of agricultural machinery, the delivery of the harvested raw materials to reception points, and cotton processing enterprises.

Wheat sowing is also being carried out, with agricultural machinery and equipment fully utilized. Vegetative irrigation is carried out on the sown fields in a timely manner.

In the region, care for winter potatoes, vegetables, and other crops, as well as the harvesting of the grown crop, continues in an organized manner.

In addition, efforts are being made in the velayat to harvest the rice crop in the shortest possible time and deliver it to the granaries of the Motherland.

Work is also being carried out to increase the livestock population and optimize the conditions for its maintenance.

Information was provided on the progress of construction of social, cultural, and industrial facilities being built as part of the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country for 2022–2028 and the National Rural Program, planned for commissioning this year.

After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of the ongoing seasonal agricultural activities these days, instructing the hakim to carry out these works at a high organizational level and in agrotechnical terms.

The head of state ordered to pay special attention to the quality of construction of various facilities being built as part of the National Rural Program, planned for opening this year.

Then the hakim of the Mary velayat, B. Orazov, reported on the progress of seasonal field work.

As reported, the state provides farmers with all the opportunities and does everything necessary to complete the cotton harvesting campaign as soon as possible and without losses. Necessary measures are being taken at the relevant points and enterprises to ensure the uninterrupted reception and storage of raw materials.

At the same time, wheat sowing continues, efforts are being made to complete it according to the agrotechnical calendar, and vegetative irrigation is carried out on the sown areas to obtain uniform shoots.

In the fields where winter potatoes, vegetables, and other crops are ripening, care and harvesting of the ripe crop continue. Preparations are underway for the harvesting of sugar beets.

In the livestock farms, efforts are being made to increase the livestock population and the products obtained, to prepare feed, and to prepare wintering places.

The head of the regional administration informed about the pace of construction of facilities planned for opening this year according to the National Rural Program.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of the successful implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the country and improving the living standards of the population. In this context, the hakim was instructed to keep the quality and timely execution of targeted work under control.

Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahalliyev reported on the progress of seasonal activities in the agricultural sector of the country.

As reported, all efforts are being made today to complete the cotton harvest in optimal terms, ensure the uninterrupted reception of raw materials by the relevant points and enterprises, and the operation of agricultural machinery.

Special attention is also paid to measures for the full utilization of machinery and equipment during wheat sowing, which will allow the campaign to be completed in agrotechnical terms. Vegetative irrigation is carried out on the sown areas.

Guided by the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to supply the domestic market with sufficient agricultural products, the harvesting of winter potatoes, vegetables, and fruits is being carried out. In the Dashoguz and Lebap velayats, the rice harvest continues, and in the Mary region, preparations are underway for the harvesting of sugar beets.

In the livestock farms, preparations for winter are underway: feed is being stocked, and corresponding work is being carried out.

After hearing the report, the head of state ordered to ensure a high level of organization of seasonal campaigns in the agricultural sector.

Addressing the participants of the working meeting, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov focused on the responsible agricultural season – the cotton harvest. It was instructed to take appropriate measures to increase the pace of the campaign to complete it optimally and on time, as well as to do everything necessary to ensure the full operation of combines and other machinery, reception points, and relevant enterprises. All this will allow the harvested crop, grown with great effort, to be collected without losses and successfully implement sectoral reforms.

Emphasizing the wheat sowing campaign, the head of state noted that obtaining a high yield, which will strengthen food security and the well-being of the population, largely depends on its timely and proper completion. In this context, it was instructed to keep the wheat sowing, moisture-charging, and vegetative irrigation in accordance with agrotechnical standards and terms under constant control, as well as the effective use of the technical arsenal.