Honoring the winners of international sports tournaments
Today, on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a ceremony honoring the prize-winners who successfully performed at international competitions was held at the martial arts sports complex of the Ashgabat Olympic Town. On behalf of the head of state and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero Arkadag, the athletes who demonstrated high results were presented with memorable gifts and a book by the President of Turkmenistan "Aşlar - Watanyen daýanjy".
The celebration dedicated to the World Health Day was attended by the leadership of the Mejlis, members of the Government, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments of the country, Vice-President of the Humanitarian Association of Turkmen of the World, heads and staff of the diplomatic corps of foreign states and international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan, as well as representatives of public associations, rectors of universities, athletes, student youth and the media.
In the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state, the development of a mass physical culture and recreation movement and high-performance sports in our country, as well as holding events to popularize the principles of a healthy lifestyle, is in the focus of attention initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero Arkadag, and implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a purposeful strategy that acts as one of the priorities the state policy of Turkmenistan.
Huge investments are being made to create the most modern sports infrastructure, including those designed for Olympic sports, training athletes, coaches and other specialized specialists.
The country has created wide opportunities for the development of sports movement – modern sports and recreation and equestrian complexes, multifunctional stadiums, sports schools and other facilities equipped with the necessary equipment have been built in all regions. In addition, medical centers, specialized clinics, sanatoriums equipped with equipment from leading global companies have been built in the capital and Velayat centers. On this basis, great success has been achieved in the formation of an advanced sports and recreation infrastructure that meets international standards.
One of the most striking examples of this is the innovative city of Arkadag. A multifunctional sports complex, a water sports complex, a stadium with 10,000 seats have been built here, and the Main Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Turkmenistan's first "smart" city has been created.
An important event in the sporting life of the country was the creation in 2023 of the football team of the city of Arkadag, where there are all opportunities for the development of various sports, including such a popular one as football.
In the first year, the Arkadag football club successfully performed in the matches of the championship of Turkmenistan and became the winner of the National Football Cup.
In our Homeland, special importance is also attached to the popularization of national sports, which are an integral part of the rich heritage of the Turkmen people. The skills of domestic athletes who successfully perform at major international competitions, including the Asian and world championships, are growing, achieving high results.
So, in November 2023, the Turkmen capital became the venue for the 14th Kurash World Championship with the participation of more than 180 athletes from 45 countries of four continents - Asia, Africa, Europe, as well as South and North America. The competition ended triumphantly for the national team of Turkmenistan, which won 15 medals in 15 weight categories, five of which were gold, six silver and four bronze.
The holding of the global championship, organized jointly with the International Kurash Association, was another evidence of the transformation of Ashgabat into a recognized international sports center.
Sport has been and remains the most important component of interstate cooperation, and athletes are messengers of friendship and peace, who assert the high ideals of Olympism with their skill and willpower. That is why the training of professional athletes, coaches and other specialized specialists has been identified among the key areas of the National Program for the Support and Development of Physical Culture and Sports in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025 and other state programs.
Thanks to the active support of the President of Turkmenistan, programmatic measures are being taken jointly with specialized UN agencies in Turkmenistan.
The national leader of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, has laid down a wonderful and noble tradition – holding mass bike rides. This initiative has received wide support and approval from compatriots who are happy to participate in sports events regularly organized in the country, promoting health and instilling respect for the environment in people.
And today, according to the established good tradition, World Health Day is celebrated. A mass bike ride was timed to coincide with this international date, fixed in the national calendar, in which President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part.
As you know, at the suggestion of Turkmenistan, World Bicycle Day, established by the relevant Resolution of the UN General Assembly, is widely celebrated annually on June 3. This fact has become another evidence of international recognition and appreciation of our country's efforts in the field of sports and physical culture and wellness movement, the establishment of an ecological worldview in society as the basis for sustainable development at the national level and in the global dimension.
Confirmation of the success of the country's sports diplomacy was the unanimous election of Turkmenistan in 2023 as a member of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee on Physical Culture and Sport (CIGEPS) for 2023-2027.
Cooperation with the United Nations International Bureau for Sport for the Benefit of World Development, the World Health Organization, the International Olympic Committee, the Olympic Council of Asia, etc. is expanding.
The improvement of the sphere of physical culture and sports, the establishment of the principles of a healthy lifestyle in society are reflected in national legislation. Evidence of this is the adopted Laws of Turkmenistan "On Physical Culture and Sports" (in a new edition), "On horse breeding and equestrian sports", "On volunteering", "On combating doping in sports". In 2015, our country joined the Nairobi Treaty on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol, adopted in Nairobi on September 26, 1981. And in September 2017, at the 36th session of the UN Human Rights Council, at the initiative of Turkmenistan, a Joint statement was adopted "On encouraging the valuable contribution of refugee Olympic teams to strengthening peace and human rights."
Turkmenistan has extensive experience and opportunities for organizing and holding major regional and world-class sporting events. The victories of our country's athletes in international competitions are the best confirmation of the effectiveness of the work carried out in this area, contribute to increasing the authority of the Turkmen state.
The successful participation of the sports team from Turkmenistan at the XXXII Summer Olympic Games in Japan in 2021 and the winning of the first Olympic medal in the history of Turkmen sports was a significant event, indicating the great attention of the state to the development of sports. This high achievement inspired Turkmen athletes to further improve their skills and win new victories at prestigious international competitions.
It should be noted that according to the Decree of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov dated April 28, 2022, the Organizing Committee for the preparation of the national teams of Turkmenistan for the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games and the XVII Summer Paralympic Games to be held in Paris (French Republic) in 2024 was established and its composition was approved. Currently, training camps have been organized for our athletes at the sports facilities of the Olympic Campus and the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports. Preparations for other major tournaments are continuing.
According to a good tradition, prize-winning athletes who have adequately represented their homeland on the world sports arena are honored at the state level in recognition of their huge contribution to the development of domestic sports, the steady improvement of the image of Turkmenistan as a country of health and high spirit.
...At the main entrance of the martial arts sports complex there is an exhibition of achievements of domestic athletes, the exposition of which includes awards of various merits won at prestigious international competitions, as well as works of fine and decorative arts.
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed his sincere congratulations to the athletes of the national teams of Turkmenistan, the winners of international competitions, and the audience listened to his welcoming address with special attention.
Special emphasis was placed on the fact that the era of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state opens up all opportunities for athletes to achieve sports achievements.
"By honourably continuing the courageous and victorious path of your ancestors, participating in international competitions, winning medals, you increase the athletic skills of Turkmen athletes. I am firmly convinced that by achieving excellent results at various tournaments, raising the Banner of your native Homeland high, you will increase the authority of Turkmenistan!" the President of the country stressed in his message.
The National Anthem of Turkmenistan is played in honor of the heroes of sports.
In a solemn atmosphere, under the stormy applause of numerous participants of the ceremony, distinguished athletes who won prizes at international competitions in January–April 2024 are presented with valuable gifts on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.
The first to be invited to the stage are representatives of Turkmenistan, who adequately represented our country at the Para Powerlifting World Cup, held from February 25 to March 8 in Dubai (UAE). Para powerlifting is a Paralympic sport for people with musculoskeletal disorders. During the exercise, the athlete demonstrates the strength of the upper body.
Then, to great applause, commemorative gifts are presented to the winners of international sambo and combat sambo competitions for the "Cup of the President of the Republic of Belarus", which was held in Minsk from February 7 to 10, as well as for the "Cup of the Founders of Sambo" in Moscow (Russian Federation) (March 21-24).
Numerous medals were won at the International Taekwondo Tournament (ITF), organized in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) from February 29 to March 3.
The "gold" was brought from the qualifying tournament of the Asian Tennis Championship among players under 14 years old, held in Muscat (Sultanate of Oman) from January 5 to January 19.
Karate players from Turkmenistan constantly take part in international tournaments in various types of this popular martial art. So, our athletes distinguished themselves by taking prizes at the open Asian Kyokushin Karate Championship, held in Antalya (Republic of Turkey) from
January 4-7, as well as at the open Fudokan Karate World Championship in Ivanovo (Russian Federation) (March 2-12).
Compatriots are proud of the performances of athletes who won gold at the international boxing tournament organized in Aktau (Republic of Kazakhstan) from January 31 to February 3.
The participants of the celebration expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the head of state and Hero Arkadag for such a high appreciation of their work. As the speakers emphasized, they had the great honor to represent our Motherland, as well as the success of the Turkmen national teams is the result of the huge attention of the President of the country to the development of the physical culture movement and high–performance sports, persistent training of athletes in modern sports complexes equipped with the latest equipment, including in the Olympic town, which has no analogues in the region.
After taking a photo for memory, the main participants of the ceremony organized a solemn procession around the wrestling arena in honor of this event.
At the end, a concert of masters of arts took place, as well as demonstration performances by our athletes.
The current solemn event has inspired our compatriots to new victories, athletes must withstand all the tests with honor, carry the Green Banner of the Motherland high and proudly.
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On the same day, the Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports hosted a gift-giving ceremony on behalf of the President of Turkmenistan and Hero Arkadaga to athletes who took part in international competitions and were awarded second and third prizes.
The worthy performances of our athletes are an excellent result of the program transformations deployed in the country to modernize the material, technical, scientific and methodological base of mass physical education and sports. This is one of the priorities of the state policy aimed at forming a physically strong and spiritually rich generation, creating the best conditions for fruitful training of athletes, stimulating their initiatives to raise the level of domestic sports to a new height, the speakers at the event noted.
The high achievements of our athletes inspire confidence that the National flag of independent neutral Turkmenistan will continue to fly victoriously under the majestic Anthem of our Motherland at various international competitions, increasing the glory of Turkmen sports and the pride of every Turkmen citizen for his Homeland.