Management of the Olympic town of
Administration of the Ashgabat city


President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in a traditional mass bike ride

Today, a mass bike ride dedicated to World Health Day took place in the capital with the participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. In our country, this date, fixed in the national calendar, is celebrated annually widely and with great enthusiasm, which is evidence of the commitment of Turkmen people to the principles of a healthy and active lifestyle.

Full concern for the well-being of the people is a priority of the state policy of independent neutral Turkmenistan. At the same time, special importance is attached to the protection of public health, the stimulation and development of mass physical culture and wellness movement, and the popularization of regular classes in various sports. As a result of the comprehensive strategy initiated by Arkadag Hero and now consistently implemented by Arkadagly Hero Serdar, all conditions have been created in the capital and regions of the country for this.

It is an undeniable fact that health is an enduring value not only for every person, but also for the whole society. Physical education and sports are the way to strengthen health, physical and spiritual self–improvement. The participation of the head of state in such sporting events underlines the importance not only of the event itself, but also of solving all tasks related to improving the quality of life of Turkmen citizens.

In the era of the Rebirth of a new era of a powerful state, Turkmenistan pays unflagging attention to these issues. The Saglyk State Program and other relevant programs and projects are being systematically implemented. The specialized infrastructure is being systematically modernized, both medical and sports facilities that meet high international standards have been erected and are being built.

One of the attractions of Ashgabat is the universal Olympic town. A number of specialized sports complexes are located on its territory, in the arenas of which major international competitions have been held repeatedly and with great success. These include the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games in 2017, the World Weightlifting Championship in 2018, the Kurash World Wrestling Championship and the Central Asian Tennis Team Championship among young athletes in the under–12 age category in 2023.

Excellent opportunities for physical education and sports have been created in the Avaza National Tourist Zone on the ecologically clean Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea. And of course, there are good prospects for the development of water sports here. In this regard, it should be recalled that in 2014 NTZ Avaza hosted the Windsurfing World Cup, with which Turkmenistan entered the calendar of international sailing tournaments for the first time.

In recent years, winter sports have also received a new impetus in our country's development. So, on April 15-20, Ashgabat will host an International ice hockey tournament. Preparations for it are carried out on the basis of the relevant Decree of the head of state.

In short, today Turkmenistan has significant experience and potential both for training and improving the skills of athletes, as well as for training qualified sports specialists, organizing regional and global competitions. Responding adequately to the care and support of the state, our athletes achieve remarkable results. The country's sports achievements include numerous awards, including a silver medal won in the women's weightlifting competition at the XXXII Summer Olympics held in Tokyo in 2021.

All this contributes to the enhancement of the Fatherland's authority in the international sports arena, the promotion of neutral Turkmenistan's initiatives to realize the potential of sports diplomacy in order to strengthen peace, friendship and mutual understanding between countries and peoples.

...In the morning, participants of a sports action gathered at the monument "Bicycle", located at the intersection of Chandybil Avenue and Bekreve Street, where the bike ride route begins. Among them are Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of the Mejlis, ministries and sectoral departments, military and law enforcement agencies, the metropolitan administration, public organizations, mass media, rectors of universities. Traditionally, heads and representatives of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in our country also take part in the bike marathon on the occasion of World Health Day.

Among those gathered were athletes of the national cycling team of Turkmenistan, students, students of the Training School for Young Olympians and secondary schools, pupils of the Palace "Döwletliler köşgi", representatives of the public.

Everyone cordially welcomes President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

On the occasion of World Health Day, the country's masters of art perform with an inspired musical and dance composition.

Having launched a mass bike ride, the head of state led a column of its participants. Following the President of Turkmenistan, everyone began a systematic movement along the route that runs along the spacious, bright avenues of white marble Ashgabat.

As you know, a bicycle is the most environmentally friendly form of transport. Thus, by choosing it as a means of transportation, walking and traveling, as well as sports equipment, a person contributes not only to strengthening their health, but also to protecting nature. In this context, it should be emphasized that in Turkmenistan, the implementation of adopted socio-economic and sectoral programs and infrastructure projects is closely linked to the environmental component. Being interconnected with this important factor, regularly held bike rides and other sports events also have an educational function.

By implementing a comprehensive, scientifically based environmental strategy, our country stands for consolidating the efforts of the world community in solving urgent global problems, making a concrete contribution to improving the ecology of the planet. Turkmenistan's initiatives in this direction, in particular, to promote cycling culture, are gaining recognition and support in the international arena. The resolutions adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2018 and 2022 are clear evidence of this.

Turkmenistan's commitment to the Global Methane Commitment and the initiative to open the UN Regional Center for Climate Change Technologies in Central Asia in Ashgabat are also confirmation of Turkmenistan's responsible position in developing solutions to priority environmental issues. The corresponding statement made by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-28), held in Dubai (UAE) in December 2023, was published and distributed in the six official languages of the United Nations as an official document of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly.

Over the centuries, the Turkmen people have formed original traditions of careful and harmonious attitude to nature, striving to turn their beloved land into a blooming garden. As a result of the annual landscaping campaigns in Ashgabat and throughout the country, the areas of green spaces are expanding. Man-made forest zones and parks created have a beneficial effect on the environment and the local microclimate.

On the eve of the National Spring Holiday – the International Novruz Day in Turkmenistan, with the participation of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the next stage of the implementation of the landscaping program was launched. The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also joined the noble action held on March 16. On this day, thousands of seedlings of deciduous, coniferous, fruit trees and grapes were planted in the country.

... Meanwhile, the column of participants of the bike ride, led by the head of state, continued its movement. The freshness of an early spring morning, the invigorating cool air, the picturesque landscapes of the Kopetdag foothills, and the impressive panorama of Ashgabat inspire and delight the eye.

The festive atmosphere was enhanced by the performances of creative teams and athletes that unfolded along the bike marathon route.

During the cyclocross, the President of Turkmenistan, as always, demonstrated excellent physical and athletic training. Continuing the good family traditions laid down by the Hero Arkadag, an ardent supporter and popularizer of sports, Arkadagly Hero Serdar sets an excellent example to his compatriots, in fact confirming the advantages of an active and healthy lifestyle.

Systematic physical education and sports are an excellent means of recovery, prevention of various diseases, as well as a manifestation of a person's responsible attitude to their health. In this direction, Turkmenistan actively cooperates with the World Health Organization and other specialized UN agencies. By the way, the establishment of the date of World Health Day is directly related to the history of WHO, whose Charter came into force on April 7, 1948. Our country is taking consistent steps to expand international partnership under the auspices of WHO, making a concrete contribution to solving vital global problems.

As for cycling itself, it has long been widespread all over the world and, as you know, has been included in the Olympic Games program since 1896. It should be recalled that the history of this sport in Turkmenistan dates back to the creation of the first cycling society in Ashgabat in 1894. Even then, the society organized bicycle races that aroused great interest, which played a positive role in popularizing this sport. Nowadays, our country has a modern sports infrastructure that allows for world-class competitions. Thus, the complex of the capital's Olympic town includes an indoor cycling track that meets international standards, where the cycling competitions included in the program of the Asian Games 2017 took place.

The number of fans of this sport and bicycle as a means of transportation and leisure among Turkmen citizens is constantly growing. It is encouraging to note that more and more children and young people are involved in these activities. Young cyclists are always actively and enthusiastically involved in sports events. Pupils of the Young Olympians Training School and the "Döwletliler köşgi" Palace, schoolchildren and university students joined the current action.

The benefits of cycling and cycling for humans are obvious. They provide an optimal balance of positive mood and cheerful well-being. After all, a bicycle, in addition to its environmental friendliness, is a truly universal simulator for maintaining good physical shape. Riding it is an effective way to harden and enhance immunity, prevent many diseases, and simultaneously strengthen various muscle groups. This is a great workout for the vestibular apparatus, as well as the respiratory system, as a result of which the body's oxygen saturation improves. In addition, consistent cyclical movements and measured breathing during cycling are a great way to relieve stress.

In general, the endurance of the body increases and, as a result, performance increases, creative thinking is stimulated. Character qualities such as hard work, willpower, and determination are being developed.

Scientific research has also revealed that due to regular physical activity while cycling, sleep quality improves, cognitive functions of the brain increase, and the aging process of the human body slows down.

The advantage of the bike is that it is accessible to people of almost all age categories, reliable and easy to operate. Cycling and cycling are great leisure activities, including family or in the company of friends. This makes it possible for an interesting pastime outdoors at any time of the year. And if the route passes through a picturesque area, then the emotional state of a person improves significantly.

The benefits of a bicycle for children and young people are undeniable. After all, such classes allow you to learn how to coordinate movements, keep your balance. With each trip, the child becomes more agile and confident in his abilities, which has a positive effect on both his athletic skills and character. The bike develops a natural muscular corset well, which strengthens the spine, contributing to the development of proper posture.

Cycling also helps to increase concentration, trains the eye muscles, and serves as an effective prevention of myopia. This is especially true due to the fact that schoolchildren and students spend a lot of time reading books, as well as using computers, which are necessary learning tools in our age of digital technologies. Cycling has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, makes it easier to cope with academic loads. In general, all this has the best effect on the health and intellectual activity of the younger generation.

Nowadays, the bicycle is also widely used as a vehicle for various trips, including to and from work. This is a great "charge" before the start of the working day. In the modern world, cycling is also growing in popularity among adherents of a healthy lifestyle. This type of active recreation provides an opportunity to make exciting trips, enrich yourself with new experiences and broaden your horizons, enjoy the beauties of nature.

...Following the route, the column of cyclists continued along the highways of the capital. Ashgabat, impressive for its monumentality and originality of the architectural ensemble, is rightfully recognized as one of the most beautiful and comfortable cities in the region and the world. It is a matter of sincere pride of our people that a number of the capital's facilities, as well as Ashgabat itself, as the city with the highest concentration of white marble buildings in the world, are included in the famous Guinness Book of Records.

During the bike ride, Head of State Serdar Berdimuhamedov, addressing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B.Annamammedov, who oversees the capital, instructed to keep under constant control the issues of further landscaping and landscaping of Ashgabat, including the creation of new garden and green areas, maintaining environmental well-being, and comprehensive modernization of urban infrastructure. Speaking about this, the President of Turkmenistan stressed the need to pay special attention to ensuring comfortable social and living conditions for people.

The decoration of the main city of the country is its well-groomed parks and squares, which in springtime "dress up" in a lush blooming outfit. This year, held under the motto "The Storehouse of the Mind of Makhtumkuli Fragi", a new cultural and park complex named after the great Turkmen poet and thinker will be opened in the southern part of the capital. The celebrations on this occasion will be timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding master of the word, whose creative heritage is an integral part of the treasury of global culture.

...Meanwhile, life was already in full swing in Ashgabat. Since early morning, an atmosphere of high emotional and spiritual uplift prevailed in the capital, giving everyone a feeling of cheerfulness and a surge of energy.

Having overcome a long distance, the bike ride, timed to coincide with World Health Day, finished in the city center, at the intersection of Bitarap Turkmenistan and A.Niyazov Avenues.

Wishing the participants of the sports and recreation event health and success, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov warmly said goodbye to everyone and left the event site.

Thus, the current mass cycling marathon has once again demonstrated the unity and cohesion of the Turkmen people, their commitment to enduring universal values. As a result of the creative policy implemented by the head of Turkmenistan, which has a pronounced social orientation, a healthy lifestyle and sports have become the norm of life for our society, striving for new heights of prosperity and progress.

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Today, on the occasion of World Health Day, bike rides were also organized in the city of Arkadak and in all velayats of the country. It should be noted that the "round tables", scientific and practical conferences, competitions and demonstrations in various sports, propaganda, physical culture and cultural events that brought together students, employees of institutions and enterprises, and athletes, which took place in Turkmenistan these days, are timed to this date. Television and radio broadcasts, thematic publications in the media were also devoted to the wonderful holiday.

By implementing a far-sighted state policy aimed at a prosperous and happy life of the people, Turkmenistan develops fruitful cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations, making a concrete contribution to promoting a culture of health and sports diplomacy, ensuring peace and well-being, and achieving sustainable development in the regional and global dimensions.