Management of the Olympic town of
Administration of the Ashgabat city


Students of Turkmen universities will comment on the Kurash World Cup

The 14th World Kurash Wrestling Championship will be held in the capital of Turkmenistan from November 23 to 28. In the building of the International Broadcasting Center, students of the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly and the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages ​​named after. Dovletmammet Azadi is preparing for the role of commentator for the upcoming world kurash championship. Students are taught by professionals, leading commentators in the country. The main mentor of talented and energetic youth is the leading commentator of the Sport TV channel, Yunus Annaev. More than 20 students are trained in commenting techniques in three languages.

Ticket sales for the World Kurash Wrestling Championships have begun in Ashgabat

A large-scale sporting event, the 14th World Kurash Wrestling Championship will be held from November 23 to 28 this year in the capital of Turkmenistan at the martial arts sports complex of the Olympic village. Tickets for this grand event are already on sale, a Turkmenportal correspondent reports.

The world championship will bring together the strongest wrestlers on the planet in Ashgabat. Residents of Turkmenistan and foreign guests can buy tickets now at the box office of the Olympic Village (near the Business Center), the Berkarar shopping center (on the 1st floor), the Ashgabat shopping center (on the 2nd floor). Ticket price is 25 manats.

It should be noted that the World Championship program will open with a ceremony that will take place on November 25. Competitions between athletes will take place on November 27 and 28.

The 14th World Kurash Wrestling Championship expects to be a record number of participants. It was previously reported that over 480 people, including athletes (241), coaches, judges and other officials from 53 countries, applied to participate in the upcoming world championship.

The World Kurash Championship in Ashgabat will hold a record number of participants

The 14th World Kurash Wrestling Championship, which will be held on November 23-28, 2023 in Ashgabat, is expected to hold a record number of participants, writes the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age” with reference to the Kurash Federation.

If last year's World Championships in the Indian city of Pune involved 365 people, then 480 people have already applied to participate in the upcoming World Championships, including athletes (241), coaches, judges and other officials from 53 countries, the source notes.

At the World Championships in Ashgabat, it is planned to compete for 15 sets of medals - in seven men's and eight women's weight categories.

Let us remind that last year at the World Kurash Championship Turkmenistan was represented by 13 wrestlers (7 men and 6 women), and three of them returned with medals.

Ayshirin Haydarova won silver in the weight category up to 48 kg, and bronze medals went to Aynur Amanova (up to 52 kg) and Aziza Kurbanova (up to 78 kg).

Witaliý Alikperow: «Toparçadan çykmak mümkinçiligimizden ýerlikli peýdalanarys»

AFK-nyň kubogynyň üçünji tapgyrynyň çägindäki «Merw» ― «Altyn Asyr» duşuşygyndan ozal geçirilen metbugat maslahatynda «Merwiň» baş tälimçisi Witaliý Alikperow bilen derwezeçi Merdan Saparow žurnalistleriň sowallaryna jogap berdi. Bu barada Janköýer habar berýär.

― Witaliý, toparyň ertirki duşuşyga taýýarlygy näderejede?

― Topar duşuşyga doly taýýar. Häzirki wagtda şikesli futbolçymyzyň ýokdugy bizi begendirýär.

― Esasy hüjümçiňiz Murat Ýakşiýew şikes sebäpli soňky duşuşyklaryň birnäçesine gatnaşyp bilmedi. Ol ertirki duşuşyga taýýarmyka?

― Elbetde, ol öňräk şikes aldy. Ýöne biz Myrady ýakynda çempionatda «Arkadag» topary bilen bolan duşuşykda hem ulandyk. Ol ertirki duşuşyk üçin hem taýýar. Myradyň bize kömek etjekdigine ynanýarys.

― Siz ýaryşda ýoluňyzy ýeňlişsiz dowam etdirýärsiňiz. Diýmek, maksatlaryňyzda hem özgertmeler bolan bolsa gerek.

― Biz her bir duşuşyk üçin aýry maksat goýýarys. Elbetde, her duşuşykda ýeňiş gazanmak, toparçadan çykmak mümkinçiligimizi artdyrmak isleýäris.

― Iki türkmen toparynyň bir toparça wekilçilik etmegi nähili artykmaçlyklary we zyýany berýär?

― Biz «Altyn asyry» ýakyndan tanaýarys. Topar häzirki tälimçisiniň ýolbaşçylygynda abraýly baýraklaryň birnäçesine mynasyp boldy. «Altyn Asyr» bilen köp sanly duşuşyklary hem geçirdik. Häzir bolsa biz bu güýçli topar bilen yklym ýaryşynda garşydaş. Ertirki duşuşykda elimizden gelenini edip, meýdanyň her bir metri üçin barlyşyksyz göreş alyp bararys.

― Ýakynda «Arkadag» topary bilen hem jogapkärçilikli we kyn duşuşygy geçirdiňiz. Oglanlar bu duşuşykdan soň özlerini ýadaw duýanoklarmy?

― Tersine, çempionatdaky bu duşuşyk biziň üçin tejribe, kemçiliklerimizi görmäge mümkinçilik boldy. Dogry, «Altyn asyr» bilen boljak duşuşygy göz öňünde tutup, käbir oýunçylarymyza dynç berdik. Ýöne olar «Arkadag» topary bilen bolan duşuşykdan ozal hem dynç almaga ep-esli wagt tapdylar.

― «Merw» AFK-daky geçen duşuşygyndan soň çempionatda galdyrylan duşuşyklarynda janköýerlerini begendirip bilmedi. Belki topar ähli güýjüni we esasy oýunçylaryny AFK-nyň duşuşyklaryna aýandyr.

― Şol günlerde biz yzly-yzyna kyn duşuşyklary geçirdik. Bu bolsa isleseň-islemeseň oglanlarymyzy ýadatdy. «Arkadag» topary bilen duşuşyga çenli bolsa biraz dynç almaga mümkinçiligimiz boldy. Ýöne garşydaşymyzyň derejesiniň ýokarydygyny oýunda ýene bir ýola gördük.

― Siz ýer eýesi hem bolsaňyz, duşuşygy Aşgabatda geçirýärsiňiz. Garşydaşyň şäherinde oýnamak kynçylyk döredip bilermi?

― Ýok, islendik şäherde biz öz meýdanymyzda ýaly oýnamaga uýgunlaşan. Onsoňam, köp sanly janköýerlerimiziň paýtagta gelmegine garaşýarys. Şonuň üçin paýtagtda hem öz şäherimizde oýnaýan ýaly duýgyny başdan geçirjekdigimize ynanýarys.

Merdan Saparowa sowal:

― Merdan, «Merwiň» duşuşyklarynda janköýerler esasy saňa bil baglaýarlar. Olar soňky tapgyrlardaky oýunlaryň bilen seni milli ýygyndymyzda hem görmek islediler. Ertirem jogapkärçilikli duşuşyk bar. Pikirleriňi paýlaşaýsaň!

― Elbetde, AFK-nyň çägindäki duşuşyklar bilen milli ýaryşlardaky duşuşyklaryň derejesi deň däl. AFK-nyň duşuşyklary has ýokary derejede geçýär. Janköýerlerden doly stadionyň gurşawynda oýnaýarys. Nesip bolsa, ertir hem elimizden gelenini ederis. Biz yklym ýaryşynda geçen oýunlarymyzy hem mynasyp geçirdik diýip pikir edýäris. Şol mynasyp oýnumyz ertir hem dowam eder diýip umytlanýarys.

Bu gezek has köp janköýerimiziň stadionda bolmagyna garaşýarys. Olaryň hem goldawy bilen ýeňiş bizlik bolar diýip umyt edýäris

Turkmen tennis players will start the 2023 Davis Cup with a match against Kyrgyzstan

The Turkmenistan tennis team will start on Wednesday in the Davis Cup with a match against the Kyrgyz team. In these competitions, Turkmen tennis players compete in group IV of the Asia and Oceania zone, matches in which will be held in the city of Antalya (Türkiye).

The fight for the only ticket to the 3rd group is fought by 8 teams, divided into two subgroups:

  • Group “A”: Syria, Iraq, UAE, Singapore.
  • Group “B”: Turkmenistan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Guam.

The winners of the subgroups will play in the decisive match for the right to participate in Group III of the Asia and Oceania zone in 2024.

The Turkmenistan national team included: Meylis Orazmuhammedov, Yuri Rogussky, Atlymurad Kurbanov, Haji Charyev, Gurbanberdy Gurbanberdyev. The captain and head coach of the men's team is Mirali Hasanov.

In preparation for the Davis Cup, the Turkmenistan team held training camps in Tashkent (Uzbekistan).

Turkmenistan confirmed its interest in the development of boxing in Asia

The Turkmen delegation took part in the congress of the Asian Boxing Confederation, which was held on October 14 in Bangkok (Thailand).

The results of the work of the ABC over the past year, the prospects for the development of boxing in Asia and the preparation of athletes for the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024 were discussed at the congress.

During the congress, elections of new members of the ABC Executive Committee were also held, in which representatives of 44 national boxing federations from Asia took part.

The ABC Congress became an important event for the development of boxing in Asia. The Turkmen side demonstrated its readiness to actively participate in international competitions and support the development of boxing in the region.

Turkmen sambo wrestlers won four medals at the World Youth Championships in Bishkek

At the Youth World Sambo Championships held in the capital of Kyrgyzstan, the Turkmen team won 4 bronze medals, writes Orient.

The winners included: Babamurad Bayramov, who took third place in the weight category up to 58 kg in sports sambo. Kerim Kerimov also received bronze in the same weight, but in combat sambo. Two more “bronze” successes of the Turkmen team are the merit of Dortguly Gochkulyev (up to 88 kg) and Azim Mammedov (up to 98 kg).

The tournament, which was held in parallel in 37 weight categories in sports and combat sambo, was attended by teams from more than 30 countries.

Dovletjan Yagshimuradov rose to 5th place in the Bellator light heavyweight rankings

Turkmen mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter Dovletjan Yagshimuradov rose to 5th place in the Bellator ranking among light heavyweights, according to the promotion website.

Let us remind you that on the night of October 8, Yagshimuradov defeated the representative of Poland Maciej Rozanski at the Bellator 300 tournament. The fight lasted three rounds, the judges gave the victory to the Turkmen fighter by unanimous decision.

For Dovletjan Yagshimuradov, this victory was the third in a row under the auspices of Bellator. Now he has 21 victories, 7 defeats and 1 draw.

The starting line-up of the Turkmenistan national team for the friendly match with Dubai United has become known

The Turkmenistan national football team has announced the starting lineup for the friendly match with Dubai United FC.

The starting lineup of the Turkmenistan national team: Rasul Charyev, Yhlas Toyjanov, Guychmurad Annakuliev, Abdy Bashimov, Arzuvkuli Saparkuliev, Teymur Charyev, Dovran Hojammamedov, Begmurad Bayov, Shanazar Tirkishov, Altymurad Annadurdyev, Elman Tagaev.

The match will take place at the Dubai Sports City stadium and will start at 21:00 Ashgabat time.

Let us remind you that the national team of Turkmenistan under the leadership of Mergen Orazov is at a training camp in Dubai (UAE), where it is preparing for important matches as part of the qualifying round of the 2026 World Cup starting in November.

The Turkmenistan team will have to meet with their opponents in Group E - the national teams of Iran, Uzbekistan and the winner of the Hong Kong/Bhutan pair.

Turkmen football players will play their first match at home on November 16 against the Uzbekistan team.

«Ahalyň» goragçysy Hakmuhammet Bäşimow ilkinji gezek Türkmenistanyň milli ýygyndysynyň düzümine çagyryldy

Mundan ozal ýetginjekler we ýaşlar ýygyndylarynyň düzüminde çykyş eden «Ahalyň» goragçysy Hakmuhammet Bäşimow ilkinji gezek Türkmenistanyň milli ýygyndysynyň düzümine çagyryldy. Bu barada milli ýygyndynyň metbugat gullugy habar berdi.

23 ýaşly oýunçy Dubaýda geçiriljek okuw-türgenleşik ýygnanyşygyna gatnaşar. Onuň dowamynda DÇ-2026-nyň saýlama tapgyryna taýýarlyk görýän türkmen ýygyndysy BAE-niň çempionatynda çykyş edýän toparlaryň ikisi bilen ýoldaşlyk duşuşygyny geçirer.

Maglumat üçin, Hakmuhammet Bäşimow 2023-nji ýylyň ýanwaryndan bäri «Ahalyň» düzüminde oýnaýar. Ol 19-njy sentýabrda, «Al-Feýha» (Saud Arabystany) bilen oýunda AFK Çempionlar ligasyndaky debýutyny amala aşyryp, Elman Tagaýewe golly pas geçirmegi başardy hem-de toparynyň ýeňşine uly goşant goşdy.

Ýeri gelende bellesek, noýabr aýynda Aziýa yklymynda DÇ-2026-nyň saýlama tapgyryna badalga berler. Saýlama tapgyrynyň «E» toparçasyndan orun alan Türkmenistanyň ýygyndysy Eýran, Özbegistan hem-de Gonkong/Butan jübütiniň ýeňijisi bilen güýç synanyşar. Mergen Orazowyň şägirtleri saýlama tapgyryna 16-njy noýabrda Özbegistan bilen boljak oýun arkaly girişerler.

The Turkmenistan national team won 7 medals at the Asian Games in China

Turkmen athletes won 7 medals at the 19th Summer Asian Games in Hangzhou, which were held from September 23 to October 8.

The prestigious competition brought together about 15 thousand participants from 45 countries. The Turkmenistan national team at the Asian Games was represented by 67 athletes who brought 1 silver and six bronze medals to the team’s treasury.

Tejen Tejenov, master of sports of international class in kurash wrestling, won silver in the weight category over 90 kg.

Bronze medalists were: judoka Maysa Pardaeva (up to 57 kg), kurash wrestler Aynur Amanova (up to 48 kg), kurash wrestler Ishanmyrat Ataev (up to 90 kg), boxer Bayramdurdy Nurmuhammedov (up to 71 kg), freestyle wrestler Dovletmurad Orazgylyjov (up to 86 kg ) and karateka Bayry Bayryev (up to 67 kg).

Fighter from Turkmenistan Dovletjan Yagshimuradov won his third victory in a row in Bellator

Turkmen mixed martial arts fighter Dovletjan Yagshimuradov defeated Polish representative Maciej Rozanski at the Bellator 300 tournament in California.

The light heavyweight fight lasted all three rounds and ended with the victory of the representative of Turkmenistan by unanimous decision of the judges - 30-27, 29-28, 29-28.

For 34-year-old Yagshimuradov, this victory was the third in a row in Bellator. Now he has 21 victories, seven defeats and one draw in mixed martial arts. Rozanski has 14 wins and five losses.
