Management of the Olympic town of
Administration of the Ashgabat city


The International Youth Day was celebrated in Ashgabat

Today, on August 12, the International Youth Day is celebrated.

In honor of this holiday, the representative office of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), together with the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of Turkmenistan, held a bright and eventful event in Ashgabat.

This year, the global theme chosen by the UN, "Digital ways of Youth for Sustainable Development", emphasized the importance of involving young people in building the country's digital future.

This event brought together about 100 young people and became an important platform for discussing key issues related to unlocking the potential of youth.

The event also discussed the formation of a secure digital space, the development of digital literacy, gender equality, active participation of young people in achieving Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the popularization of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle.

In his speech, the head of the UNFPA Representative Office in Turkmenistan, Kemal Goshliyev, stressed the crucial role that the younger generation plays in shaping our digital future.

As part of the event, a performance dedicated to a secure digital future was shown. In addition, the guests saw bright performances by young gymnasts and an incendiary flash mob.